How to set-up a Facebook pixel

Simple instruction how to set-up a Facebook pixel

You need to do the following steps: 

Log in to your Facebook Business account

In the account menu (top left), select the Events Manager tab and then click on Connect a Data Source (when creating a new pixel):

How to set-up a Facebook pixel (Marquiz)

In the pop-up window select Web and then click on Get started:

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Then select Facebook Pixel and click on Connect:

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Name the pixel and click on Continue:

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You may close the following pop-up. 

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Copy the pixel ID number in the upper left:

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Then open the editor of the quiz in the Marquiz panel. Open Integrations and select Facebook Pixel:

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Paste the copied Pixel ID number here:

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IMPORTANT: Make sure you save the changes!

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Now, go to Quiz Installation and then copy the link:

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Go back to Events Manager in Facebook and open Test Events. Paste the link here and click on Open Website:

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Your quiz will open in a new tab. All events will appear as you answer the questions. You need to get to the end, fill out, and submit the lead form. Use the following test inputs in order not to take leads off of your balance. 

  1. In the Email field input: “”
  2. In the Phone number field input “+79111111111” or “test” in Messengers  
  3. Enter any word in the Name field and the leads will remain on your balance. 

IMPORTANT: If no events appeared in the activities, there may be some ad-blocking extensions in your browser (AdBlock). Turn them off.

PS: Facebook Pixel Helper extension is highly recommendable to use. You’ll be able to see, if goals are achieved.  

After you’ve made it through the quiz, all the events will be displayed: 

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Now, you can create custom conversion for different events: 

For the main View Content events with an attribute content_name, the events are equal to the following identifiers:

  • The visitor opened the quiz: marquiz-start
  • The visitor reached the lead form: marquiz-form 
  • The visitor saw the outcome: marquiz-result (this goal is used only when outcomes are set)
  • Visitor passed the question N: marquiz-stepN (where N is the sequence number of the question. For example, marquiz-step2)  

For the Lead capture events - leads with an attribute content_name, the events are are equal to the following idetifiers:

  • The visitor saw the thank you page: marquiz-finish
  • The visitor filled out the lead form (1st step): marquiz-contacts1

IMPORTANT: This goal is set only if you have a two-step lead capture form.

  • The visitor filled out the lead form (2nd step): marquiz-contacts2

IMPORTANT: This goal is set only if you have a two-step lead capture form.

Let’s see how to create Custom Conversion for finishing the quiz. 

Click on Create and then Create Custom Conversion:  

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If there was no pop-up with settings, click on Overview to open it:

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Enter the name for the conversion and set the options shown in the following screenshot, then click Create:

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Complete the quiz one more time with the test inputs. Click on Custom Conversions on the left to make sure everything works.

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You can also open Facebook Pixel Helper extension to make sure Custom Conversion works.

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👆 You’re all caught up