Live Edit
To see the quiz being modified in real time, use the “Live Edit” feature. To do this, click on the pointer on the right side of the button “View” and select “Live edit”. Or click on the eyeball icon in the lower right corner.
The preview will open and you will see the pages with modifications.
Some peculiarities of “Live Edit”:
To have a quick look at the quiz click on the “Preview” button. Leads are generated and redirections work in this mode. Publish the quiz to see the changes.
Testing leads:
To test out leads, open the quiz with the 2nd or 3d way. In order not to debit your account, enter the following:
a. In the field “email” enter
b. Enter “test” in the “Messengers” field or +79111111111 in the “Phone number” field.
c. In the “Name” field enter any name and your account will not be debited.